New Xbox 360 Arcade Games: Blazing Birds And Gel

Blazing Birds
Developer: Vector 2 Games
Publisher: Xbox LIVE Arcade
Genre: Sports & Recreation
Game Rating: E (Everyone)
Mild Fantasy Violence
Players 1-2
HDTV 720p
Custom Soundtracks

Unlock the full version of Blazing Birds to challenge sixty computer controlled opponents over three levels of difficulty. Invite your friends to play multiplayer matches or tournaments with up to twenty players. Earn achievements and establish your rightful place on the leaderboards! Only the best will face Signum IV. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see

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Developer: Gastronaut Studios
Publisher: Xbox LIVE Arcade
Genre: Action & Adventure, Puzzle & Trivia
Game Rating: E (Everyone)
Animated BloodComic Mischief
Players 1-4
Co-op 1-2
HDTV 1080p
Online Multiplayer 2-4
Co-op 1-2
Content Downloads

Get more costumes, more action, and more puzzles in the Full Version of Gel! Upgrade now for a total of over 100 Puzzle Mode challenges, four full cards of Action Mode intensity, Xbox LIVE online play and unfettered access to the Item Store! This game requires the Xbox 360 hard drive or the 512MB Memory Unit for storage. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see

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