Electronic Arts Shuts Down More Game Servers

Source: IGN.com

EA continues to shut down online servers to many of its older titles. Highlighting the soon-to-be departed are Lord of the Rings: Conquest, Godfather and Def Jam. Player have until March 16 to get their fix before having to wave goodbye.

Def Jam for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360
Godfather for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360
Lord of the Rings: Conquest for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames for PC
Need for Speed: Carbon for PlayStation Portable
Need for Speed: ProStreet for PlayStation Portable
Simpsons for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360

Last month, Electronic Arts announced it would be shutting down severs to many of its older sports titles, including Madden 08, NASCAR 09, and Fantasy Football 09.

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